
Hope neither lends itself to reason

Nor the strictures of the finite

It has little shape but great substance

Which, paradoxically, laughs at Newton’s Laws


Instead, the well it draws from is unfathomably deep

Like quantum particles it can be in more than one place at a time

And, as with dark matter, defies observation and containment

It is, and always will be, ephemeral


None-the-less, all humanity relies upon it daily

Especially so, in times such as these



A Very Brief History Of The Cosmos

Out of nowhere a BANG takes place

Energy and matter now exist in space

Positive, negative, normal and dark

Atoms and strange particles, including the quark


Time is born; and its arithmetic

The cosmic clock makes its very first tick

Entropy increases, with empirical truth

Universe expanding, throughout its youth


Attractive forces come into play

Gravity, one such, holding sway

In gaseous clusters, suns start to glow

Forming heavier atoms in their fiery throe


Worlds coalesce from cosmic dusts

Atmospheres, weather, primordial crusts

Eons passing in galaxies rife

Goldilocks zones, permitting life


Normal matter, of which we’re made

Dark stuff, more common, cannot be weighed

Its job, invisible, to hold things in place

As we hurtle through the cosmos at a frantic pace


Pigeonholes of probability: Any suggestions?


The Pope is Catholic.

Triangles have three sides.

The first cup of tea of the day tastes best.

There is suffering in the world.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

The ceiling of self-worth is fixed by your upbringing.



Your spouse/partner can be right.

You can kick the habit.

Politicians are honest.

Lying can be for the best.

Children should be seen but not heard.

Karma feels real.

Buttered bread lands butter side up when dropped.

Lottery winners deserve what they get.

Faeces happen.

You can make an omelette without breaking eggs.

Age brings wisdom.

The path less travelled is better.

Love Hurts



You are right.

Pets are a good thing.

What goes up must come down.

Entropy increases.

Little, but often, is better.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

Kindness has its own rewards.

Up to half the clothes in your wardrobe don’t fit anymore.

Your queue is slower than the others.

There is light at the end of the tunnel.



You will be younger tomorrow.

Our minds can comprehend the universe.

Someone knows EXACTLY how you feel.

One more won’t hurt.

There are some victimless crimes.

St Swithun’s day works.

Every cloud has a silver lining.


The Normal Distribution

img_2915Nature’s variations are somewhat formal

In mathematical terms, this is quite normal

Populations differ in similar ways

Pleasing to a statistician’s gaze


Organic aspects of our nations

Conform to standard deviations

Few data lie at each extreme

Most in the middle around the mean


Four quartiles cover the distribution

Analysis providing the whole solution

A bell curve puts the facts in order

Arranged beneath a symmetrical border